6 Tips to Prepare for Moving Day

When scheduling a household move, it’s easy to overlook incidental but important details that can make the process run smoothly. As you plan for the big day, consider making a checklist with the following items to help you be ready when the movers Toronto arrive.
Board the pets.
Even if you own a docile cat that wouldn’t hurt a flea, it’s best to keep animals out of the way when moving day comes. Not only can pets be a distraction to the movers, but they also can get inadvertently sealed in a moving box or end up outdoors when someone leaves the door open while moving things to the truck. Find a reliable pet boarder who will keep your furry friends safe and comfortable.
Plan meals.
If you don’t arrange food ahead of time, you’ll probably end up eating something on the run, leading to stress and indigestion. Use the crockpot for sloppy joes or put some cold cuts in the fridge. Anything that requires minimal preparation and cleanup will work. Healthy fruits, veggies, and nuts to snack on will help to keep everyone energetic and alert.
Label everything.
Boxes and crates should be clearly marked as to contents, using transparent tape or sticker labels. Unpacked miscellaneous items like folding chairs that could logically be placed in various rooms should have a label indicating where they will go at the new house.
Prepare a printed schedule.
Write a general timeline of activities for the day, starting with final preparations before the movers arrive. Provide a copy to the moving company in advance. Include loading and unloading times, transport, meals, errands such as a quick trip to the ATM, and related errands. Allow extra time for unexpected delays due to weather, traffic, etc.
Say goodbye to neighbors beforehand.
To prevent neighbors from stopping by as the movers are busily involved getting the house emptied, say your goodbyes ahead of time. Let them know when the movers are coming so they can discreetly stay out of the way. If neighbors’ pets are used to running into your yard for a friendly greeting, ask neighbors to pen up their animals while the moving company is there.
Schedule utility turnoffs on another day.
While it may seem like a great idea to have everything done in a single day, it’s more convenient to have the utilities turned off after the move, rather than before or during. It won’t take long, and the reduced stress of juggling workers and technicians will be worth it.
Check with Hudson Movers about other needs they may have, like plastic wrap for delicate items or quilted support in the truck to protect furniture. Advance planning ensures a smooth move.
Image Credit: Nbxbshop
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